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green chalk board with the words "winning equation" written on it with a finger pointing at it

Winning Equation

just a thought

Last week I shared a post about grabbing our own wins. This week, I'd like to fold into those thoughts an important additional piece of the winning equation.

In my role as an independent trainer and facilitator I can sense when someone needs a win...a little confidence boost. I'm always looking for these moments and I'm more than happy to offer up a win when the need arises.

A sure sign of a strong, empathetic, confident leader is the ability and willingness to spot when a team member needs a win and then doing whatever can be done to help deliver one.

So, how do we identify in others the need for a win? Here are three simple ways to do just that.

  1. Watch for lagging performance in normally productive people. When we work hard, feel the wheels spinning, but don't feel we're getting any closer to a win, we can become frustrated. Frustration can lead to retreat. 
  2. Look for ways to praise. It doesn't have to be complicated and doesn't always need to be a public show, but giving credit when credit is due can be just the win someone is looking for.
  3. Listen for subtext. Most of us only share about 10% of what we're thinking. The remaining 90% lies beneath the surface as subtext but is often communicated through tone, gesture, pace, and word choice.

Leaders play a significant role in helping others achieve a win. If you're a leader and you're in a position to offer up a win to someone, do it.

No matter our role, if we have an opportunity to be a part of someone's winning equation by adding encouragement, support, or simply cheering them on, we should jump on it. It's the least we can do for one another.

And always remember yes, being a leader often comes with a title, but you don't need one to be a leader.

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